Green and connected mobility could take off with an ultra secure authentication system

As a member of ConnectWave, a major player in France in the development of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, Linxens looks back at the new challenges of urban mobility. Indeed, professionals and users alike are facing new challenges in this sector, which has had its foot on the gas pedal since the beginning of the health crisis. While modes of transportation such as cars, bicycles and electric scooters are all ways of getting around in a connected and environmentally friendly way, they still require secure access.

Céline Littré

Céline Littré

Smartcard Marketing Manager

To what extent can the IoT meet the security challenges of mobility?

For several years now, the evolution of mentalities has increasingly encouraged people to turn to soft mobility. Especially since there is now a rich panel of modes of transport (bicycle, scooter or car) attached to a connected infrastructure. In this context, it becomes essential to be able to identify the user or the means of transport used, hence the need for a strong and increasingly secure authentication, in order to limit any risk of copying or fraud. To do this, most users rely on the smartphone, which offers an optimized customer experience and encourages the use of environmentally friendly means of transport. However, users are not immune to technical problems (bugs, hacking, dead batteries, etc.) or theft of their smartphone, problems that can be circumvented by using a card.

How is the Linxens Group positioned in this rapidly expanding field?

 In general, the identification process relies on tools from both the software and hardware spheres. As a true pioneer of tomorrow's technologies, Linxens is a force of proposal in the hardware field. For example, the group is working on connectors adapted to various media: SIM cards for cars, vehicle authentication stickers, license plates equipped with antennas that communicate with smartphones for bicycles, keys or even cards equipped with microcontrollers to identify the user of a given object. On the software side, Linxens works closely with partners to provide complete custom solutions (e.g., transportation access cards) for ambitious projects driven by municipalities.

A customized customer experience: is this the big challenge of tomorrow?

In many different fields, the basic trend is undeniably towards personalization, and mobility is no exception. Offering everyone the possibility to make a 100% customized journey, simply thanks to their smartphone or with the help of a personal multimodal access card: this is what tomorrow's mobility will probably look like. What's more, not only could such a card represent a customized and therefore unique technological object, but it would also be a way of encouraging its holder to take the most fluid, responsible and secure route possible. A real pass for an urban mobility that is always gentler on the environment and more enjoyable for the user.